Photo taken at the Media Center, South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, Spartanburg, SC, November, 2010. Note the NLS Talking Book deposit collection behind us. Readers for this trip pictured here are Jessica Kohout (in front), Wendy Goss (next to Cocky) and Anne Marie Asbol (next to Wendy) . Also pictured are Dr. Walling (on the right), and Dr. Carol Page, Director of the SC Assistive Technology Program (on the left). Dr. Clayton Copeland, Post Doc a SLIS, is in front of Anne Marie.) http://www.libsci.sc.edu/ccbl/cockyreadingexpress/index.htm
Cocky acts out Bark, George as the reader reads and the Interpreter interprets.
Linda talks with the readers before Cocky's Reading Express event at the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind.
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