Materials for Children and Teens with Disabilities

This blog is intended as a means to update and expand on the Linda Lucas Walling Collection of Materials for and about Children and Teens with Different Abilities:

Monday, March 13, 2006

Behavior Disorders and Materials

When the LLW collection Web page was announced, I had an inquiry about why behavior disorders were not included. My answer was that I thought the Bibliotherapy information and links did include those disabilities. Some behavior disorders are also mentioned in the article on the Web page titled "Ability, Disability and Picture Books." What else would you suggest that I include on that topic? What have you discovered to work well with children who have these disabilities? Thanks for your input.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the terminology used is not "atypcial" instead of "disabled" or "disorder." Many who suffer from Asperger Syndrome (a mild form of autism) are misdiagnosed with a behavior disorder. I suspect many other "behavior disorders" are equally misdiagnosed. If the right information was made available to both typical and atypical people, this highly intelligent population (Bill Gates, for example) might be better diagnosed and be able to offer tremendously to society (as Bill Gates has.) This information is most valuable in age-appropriate picture books for in-class use AND support materials--including videos--for those who work with atypical children. I find these materials extemely difficult to find in libraries and VERY pricey, as they are usually available from small presses. What are other's experiences?

11:28 PM  
Blogger Linda Lucas Walling said...

I'm going to start a post on Materials about Children with Disabilities. Maybe in that post we can also discuss appropriate language -- or we may need a separate post for that discussion.

You are correct that there are many different labels that can be used and little agreement about what language is preferred. After many years of working with this, I've discovered that whatever labels we choose tend over time to become negative. So labels keep evolving. In discussions of this topic that I've seen in recent years, people with disabilities have not agreed on what language they prefer. Most seem to feel that they are less concerned about the terms used than they are about the attitude of the person providing the service.

That said, I welcome discussion of this topic. Usually, it draws out a wide array of ideas and insights. How do you feel about the terms "typical" and "atypical"?

7:58 PM  
Blogger Linda Lucas Walling said...

Here's a Web site I will add to the Bibliotherapy links on the LLW Collection Web page when the Web page is updated. Please take a look!

Helping Books Connection:

This is a searchable database for bibliotherapy titles.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Linda Lucas Walling said...

In my last comment I should have said "How do others feel about the terms "atypical" and "typical"? Is there a concensus about the use of the terms?

10:02 PM  

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